since i have became a mom, i feel like it's important for me to keep as many memories of my daughter. i can only imagine that one day when sofia grows up, she can go on my blog and read up stuffs about when she was little. also, i realized that i'm coming back to work very soon and when i look at sofia, oh my she's grown so much. she's the length of my shoulder to shoulder and she occupies the whole diaper changing table now. she's freaking 3 months old. i feel like, kejap je pejam celik mata dia nanti akan dah boleh meniarap, merangkak, berjalan and bercakap. the time when she's an infant is just so short :')
sofia's first month
in her early days on the earth, dia sangat pendiam. masa majlis akikah dia, dia sgt cooperate, tak merengek, tak menangis kecuali bila dia lapar. god how i wish dia stay a quiet kid yang tak menangis bcs when she cries, the first-time-mother in me terus jammed tak tahu nak buat apa hahaha. it's hard to ignore and ferberize, tapi sometimes bila layan sangat it's tiring. luckily i have hazim yang tak berkira nak take turns console dia bila dia meraung.
sofia's first days. crying bila lapar or nak tukar diaper je hahaha
sofia balik kampung for akikah. behave je all through the majlis.
i have this view of sofia yang i paling suka tengok waktu dia kecil-- i suka tengok dia menggeliat. this is one of the first videos yang i capture masa dia menggeliat in her first month.
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masa i discharged from hpj, i remember the nurse pesan utk buat tummy time dgn anak and in case you didn't know, it's safe to do as early as 1 day after birth. tapi i tak ada la buat terus sbb i pun sakit luka bersalin lagi semua. i think i started 3 weeks after giving birth?
kesian anak ibu, muka tak larat hehe.
i only do tummy time less than 1 min per session before her first month. so apa kesan tummy time ni dkt sofia? it helps her ability to hold up her head. and some knowledge sharing, when you train your baby to do tummy time, it might be easier for them to roll over and merangkak. tapi apa apapun, jangan la force your baby, things take time. so kalau dia ended up lambat juga meniarap or merangkak, jangan marah or frustrated dengan dia. keep helping them to learn okie :D
my baby holding her head up at 2 months :'D
if you haven't heard about it, babies will go through growth spurts multiple time in their early days. so cerita dia, i didn't know about that until it happened. if you ask me what is it exactly, sofia's behaviour started to change. daripada jadi diam je, dia tiba2 kuat menangis. she's screaming bloody murder throughout the night dan dia tak nak kena letak, she wants to be held ALL THE FREAKING TIME. her first growth spurt lasted us around 1 and a half weeks. so apa jadi lepas fasa beralih bulan tu? tiba2 kitorang found out that she's already kicking her legs! oh my how exciting. skrg tugas nak change diaper jadi makin mencabar sebab kaki dia asyik nak menendang hahaha.
it's just small kicks but it makes ibu proud :')
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dia also gain the ability to do big movements sampai bila kena bedung pun dia dah sneakily able to take out her hands hahaha. tidur pun macam macam pesen dah anak ibu ni.
sofia's second month
up until now, i continue buat tummy time for sofia. so entering her second month, we learned that along with the last growth spurt, dia juga dah kenal fungsi tangan dia. so when she's being nursed or just idly laid down, tangan dia akan bergerak2 in the motions of combing her hair, wiping her face mcm tu.
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she's also able to track moving things juga so pretty soon we can play peek-a-boo with her!
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then quite nearing her third month, dia mengalami fasa mental leap which is also similar dgn growth spurt. she cries a lot, she didn't want to be put down and she became very fussy. tapi time ni, instead of feeling tired to keep up with her, i rasa sayu sebab i rasa she knew that she gonna have to go to school soon, she's gonna spend half a day away from her parents. oh how i wish i can work while keeping her around :'(
during the mental leap phase, one of her biggest skill gain is the ability to mimic the movement of hazim's and my lips to create sounds. so it's not just merengek rengek, skrg her cries mcm almost sounds like talking. ada bunyi vowels aeiou and ada intonation mcm nak minta ibu cepat2 check diaper or feed her or sometimes dia just menangis tipu2 sebab nak ajak ibu and bapak main.
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after her mental leap phase ni juga dia dah faham orang agah2 dia and dah pandai balas senyuman. oh so glorious the first time we saw she smiled when we joked around with her.
sofia and bapak <3
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at this point juga kaki dia dah sangat kuat menendang to the point yang kalau dia excited (or crying), dia punya kaki tu berjaya seret diaper mat jatuh ke lantai hahaha. memang buat modal gelak aje budak kecik ni.
sofia's third month
now she's entering her third month, she's starting school and she's a big girl now. she unlocked some new skills mcm dah pandai menggengam, reaching bapak's beard and ibu's jari to bring to her mouth. dia also dah started to understand textures sebab apparently dia sgt suka main janggut bapak dia hahaha.
our bonding time <3
leaving sofia at school :')
dear sofia, i'll keep documenting your growth here so one day when you come across here, you know how much ibu and bapak love you <3