my last entry was in august of last year, it was 7 months back. back then, i was still just a wife. eh tiba2 type entry ni as a mother. this post is dedicated to my baby, sofia!
and to think that she's 2 months old now :')
i sebenarnya ada banyak je idea nak buat entry blog, tp my third trimester wasn't easy. i cepat bosan, cepat penat, dan banyak kerja kat office nak kena buat. so i tak menyempat nak update blog. tp god knows how i miss writing up stuffs sbb one day i nak baca buat kenangan, when my mind starts disposing stuffs yang tak perlu diingati hahaha.
so i gave birth to my first child on 29th december of 2022. her due date was supposed to be 4th january of this year tapi dia nak jadi anak bongsu kat kelas dia nanti so dia nak keluar awal hahaha. i pernah share on my instagram before yang i bersalin kat hospital putrajaya, under the full paying patient scheme and i nak review sikit about the service within this post. actually, i hope this sharing will be useful to my readers yang nak bersalin mewah sikit ala2 swasta tapi nak cheap cheap laoo gituuh.
i rate my experience bersalin dkt hospital putrajaya a solid 9/10. 1 point deducted sbb husband tak boleh teman dekat ward. i booked in july, masa tu i dah 11 weeks kot ek? lupa hahaha. so before i go any further, the fpp scheme ni sebenarnya u bersalin dkt government hospital, tapi your bill tak subsidized means you pay in full for the services. so u akan dapat layanan extra juga la, executive wards, shorter waiting time, and only specialists yang handle your case. in my case, masa i book, only dr hazim was available so i ok jelah. tapi rezeki i masa bersalin, i dapat dr perempuan yg lsambut baby which is dr haliza. i rate service dia 10/10!!! mmg nice to talk to, easygoing, and even aftercare dia sgt concern towards me.
exclusive behind the scene photo
the hospital was quite far from my home, on a normal day can go up to 1 hour the traveling time. tapi i pilih nak bersalin situ juga because of the good reviews and sbb dia hospital baru. for fpp patients, masa u call to book, diorang akan kasi date for you to come to briefing. my stupid self datang lenggang kangkung je ke briefing tu padahal semua org datang bawa buku pink masing2 tau. so masa i nak book tu i kena pujuk2 sikit nurse dkt kaunter tu cakap nanti i send screenshot semua vitals i dalam buku tu and whatsapp sbb i nak book juga hahaha. so reminder from yours truly, walaupun namanya briefing aja, tapi bawalah sekali buku pink untuk book fpp service ok. no, actually, if you are pregnant, bring your buku pink everywhere. i mean it.
then for fpp patients, bila dah register dia akan set your first appointment. you will have to come for antenatal checkup with your specialists 3 times before your edd. so i pun mcm tu la.
on 25th of december mcm tu, pukul 2am, i rasa a very weird and new pain dkt perut i so i thought i dah nak bersalin. so hazim and i drove through the night ke putrajaya just to know that bukaan i baru 1cm and contraction i tak kerap pun lagi. it was just braxton hicks kata orang. so kitorang balik rumah again, very exhausted nak kerja the next day. walaupun it was just a false alarm, tapi the nurses treated me very well.
ok so on the actual delivery date, i start rasa period pain around 10am mcm tu. awal2 i thought orang ckp contractions ni sakit because we skipped periods for 9 months so maybe kita lupa sakit period pain mcm mana. but as the bukaan gets bigger and bigger, sakit tu amplifies for like 500x woah. mmg sakit gila. i cannot baring, duduk, jalan semua sakit. i remembered when i was warded, i baca semua doa at the top of my head including doa makan, doa naik kenderaan la bagai just to hope that the pain subsides. gila kentang punya sakit. so i opted for epidural.
so at 10am lebih2 sikit mcm tu, i ajak hazim pergi hpj dah sbb perjalanan 1hr kan so better gerak je bila dah rasa sakit tu. sesampainya i kat PAC, they checked my contractions semua mcm dah ready, they said i kena tunggu sikit sbb ward tgh penuh. so i fikir nak makan lunch dulu. tapi sakit contraction tu mmg sampai tahap i tak boleh nak makan. tp minutes after the ward is ready, they got my husband pay at hasil and i dibawa dgn wheelchair ke ward 5A. i dpt double-bedded room which is fine sbb husband tak boleh teman, at least kalau double-bedded i ada teman.
sorry la sakit sangat so ada gambar dlm ward lepas anak dah lahir je lol
masa i checked in, it was 4:30pm mcm tu, tapi i dah sakit sangat so i minta ubat tahan sakit tapi tak ada. so the nurses keep on checking the bukaan and tiba2 dah 4-5cm mcm tu which means i dah ready nak masuk labor room. so diorang tolak i atas wheelchair again sampai labour room.
i tak tahan sakit, i admit. so i minta epidural. i read the pamphlet and signed my consent, then a specialist was sent to cucuk my epidural. i tak rasa sakit pun cucuk epidural tu sbb sakit contraction lebih daripada what i can handle. the anaesthetist was very professional and calming, dia tolong2 selawat kat telinga i, while also remind i untuk selawat juga, the process was very smooth and easy. nurses yg datang check up on me pun very friendly, i tanya la apa2 pun semua dijawab dgn baik.
let me tell u la kan, if you can't handle the pain, just take the epidural. it doesn't make u less of a mom to want to have an easier delivery process if there is a choice. i lps dpt epidural terus tenang siap boleh tidur sampai i ready nak teran. tapi drawback dia i tak reti teran la so anak kena vacuum. tapi tak apa yang penting ibu dan anak selamat. so on the 29th december 2022, at 11:27pm lahirlah seorang puteri dalam hidup i bernama Sofia <3
i nak review sikit ward and labor room for fpp patients dkt hpj. ward is 9/10. bersih and selesa. makanan ok-ok tapi not bad. i suka sgt ada this sachet chocolate drink sampai balik rumah i order the same brand from shopee and minum sampai skrg. nurses very helpful bila nak ajar i cara nak breastfeed anak. ada tv kalau nak tgk, i tak buka pun tv dia hahaha. dkt ward ada pantry kalau nak air panas ke apa so very convenient. cuma husband tak boleh teman je even single-bedded room pun.
labor room also very selesa. i seorang je dlm labour room tu. husband boleh teman dari i 7cm sampai deliver. nurses dkt labor room pun sgt helpful jawab soalan and assist i dekat mana2. also 10/10. i mula2 plan nak makeup cantik2 mcm che ta masa masuk labor room tapi entahlah noks, muka ghupa gini je akhirnya sbb sakit nakmampos tangan bergetar tak ada makna nak fikir makeup.
i nak remind juga yg hpj is hospital rakan bayi so they really encourage you to breastfeed so elakkan bawa botol susu. i tak kena check pun tapi yeah, just a reminder.
the discharge process pun smooth je, they will ask you to complete a survey of hpj, husband pergi hasil bayar bill after the ward keluarkan discharge letter. lps dah bayar, show the letter dkt ward counter then boleh balik dah. i alhamdulillah, sofia kuning tak lama, 1 malam je dkt ward sendiri2. sofia ada kena duduk bawah lampu sekejap tp boleh discharge as scheduled.
sofia was crying so much bila duduk dalam cot under the light. bila i peluk dia baru dia tenang. serious sebak and sayu masa ni :')
just to share, here is my bill for delivery at hpj as fpp patient. for me, it's affordable for the service and the comfort. for me yang untuk first time bersalin and nak experience something yang comfortable, i would recommend fpp at hpj ni for parents yang mungkin cannot afford to go full private mcm i hehehe. insyaAllah kalau ada rezeki anak2 seterusnya kita usaha private pula utk experience.
p/s: on the day you warded to, u put rm3k deposit so u bayar remaining ikut kalau u vacuum ke ambil epidural ke apa mcm tu.